wildcards checks out the new happening place at bugis after training on sat with xp n yirong!
yes its Arcadia at iluma, the new shopping centre!
vince, kahau jasmine and simin joined me and xp first
while the rest got stucked on bernard's car =X
one of the few normal pics we took
jasmine was the biggest winner!
(though jiahau was the one paying to play =PpPpP)
lazy to type already
pictures speak a thousand words~
EVERYONE loves the mushroom i caught!!

super cam whore..........
prepping for btoss! wahahhahahahaha

simin is the star! (or mushroom?)

"the tale of vincent and his seal"
be patient.. cos vince was being very extremely patient too!

and finally zhicheng got it!!!
yay yay yay dropping down!!!
vince: i hate you! i love you! i hate you! i love you!

the following pics are so gonna make zhiliang and gary JEALOUS
*sTuNt PiCtUrEsSsSss*
arcadia is so much more fun than you going st j***s right!! =PpPpP
yirong's cupie!!
dun laugh!
not easy to cupie the HUGE slippers k!
kahau*jasmine = single lib
xp*yirong = single lib
isaac*joline = single lib
nice pop!
kahau*jasmine + vince*huiting = double single libs~
zhicheng*huiting = single ex
look in front somemore!
isaac*joline + xp*huishan = double single libs again~
isaac*joline + kahau*jasmine = double heel stretch!
isaac*joline = arabasque

vince*simin = heel stretch
vince*simin = bow and arrow!
well done simin!!
(well done xp for being able to conceal himself so nicely haha)
my fav stunt photo!

yay everyone had so much fun at arcadia!
lets organize another outing to arcadia soon!
*gary and zhiliang, i dun see ur cupies above? =P*
yes its Arcadia at iluma, the new shopping centre!
while the rest got stucked on bernard's car =X
one of the few normal pics we took
(though jiahau was the one paying to play =PpPpP)
pictures speak a thousand words~
EVERYONE loves the mushroom i caught!!
be patient.. cos vince was being very extremely patient too!
*sTuNt PiCtUrEsSsSss*
arcadia is so much more fun than you going st j***s right!! =PpPpP
yirong's cupie!!
not easy to cupie the HUGE slippers k!
kahau*jasmine = single lib

look in front somemore!
vince*simin = heel stretch
vince*simin = bow and arrow!
well done simin!!
(well done xp for being able to conceal himself so nicely haha)
yay everyone had so much fun at arcadia!
lets organize another outing to arcadia soon!
*gary and zhiliang, i dun see ur cupies above? =P*
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