I waas looking through my friend's blog post, and i saw this... On ANGER MANAGEMENT!! @@ :)
Anger, when channelled properly, can spur as and push us to greater heights. It can also send us spiralling down south. Here's a 7 step checklist to help you channel that emotion for positive use :)
*NB: Point 7 DOES NOT APPLY TO CHAANG. But it does helps la.. be nicer to God and EVERYONE around you... maybe you can get a cute lolita GF earlier:)
Anger, when channelled properly, can spur as and push us to greater heights. It can also send us spiralling down south. Here's a 7 step checklist to help you channel that emotion for positive use :)
*NB: Point 7 DOES NOT APPLY TO CHAANG. But it does helps la.. be nicer to God and EVERYONE around you... maybe you can get a cute lolita GF earlier:)

How to Manage Anger:
1) Resolve to control it- Anger is a choice
2) Realize the cost- Anger causes us to lose and finally alienation
3) Restrain my mouth
-Proverbs 21:23 "if you keep your mouth shut, you will stay out of trouble"
- James 1:19 "quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger"
4) Reflect before reacting
3 Questions to ask yourself:
- Why am I angry?
- What do I really want?
- How can I get it?
3 Causes of Anger:
- Hurt
- Frustration
- Fear
5) Release anger appropriately
3 Don'ts
- Suppress
- Repress (deny)
- Express inappropriately (pouting/sarcasm/manipulate)
--> Confess your anger
6) Repay evil with good
7) Request for God's help- Psalm 141:3
"Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips."

In short? it's ok to be angry. It's ok to let pple know you are angry. But it's bad to direct it on people..
Have a great Lunar New Year and Valentine's day~ I WON'T BE AROUND!! WHEEEE~~
*pls watch over jaslyn's diet~~~ i don't wanna sign some stupid ochi contract~~
bases, let's BULK UP to carry the extra "burden" of bak kwa, love letters... sweets... (all tucked away on the flyer's bums... :(
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