I want to take this opportunity to thank 3 people for without them I wouldn’t be where I am thus far. Firstly Winston Soh!

Thank you for bringing me into this industry and into this team. You gave me the belief that I could cheer and motivated me throughout Wildcards. I cheer because of you my buddy! Thank you for bringing me into this industry!
Next Chaang!

My coach and my mentor. My first impression of Chaang was quite a bad one! Seeing him scream and shout at flyers, using his slippers to hit flyers on stunt. However after getting to know him more, I realize like most of you readers out there, we misunderstood his real intention. Safety is his most paramount concern in the team and what he does is purely for the safety for the flyer. I can say that Wildcards has one of the least injury rates in this industry and why? Because Chaang drills this into us. This treatment is definitely better as compared to when you fall from a stunt due to bad locking and injure yourself. Chaang also works in mysterious way, he knows whats best for you and for example he subtly taught me my toss to hands on my first training in wildcards by scamming me to catch the flyers feet after I throw them. Chaang also encourages us to share our techniques with the rest of the cheer community!
Lastly is Chan Ming Wei Gary!

He was the first person that I went to find to learn my toss and subsequently I made him my mentor for partner stunts. Gary being intimidating, actually has a compassionate love for teaching and thanks to all his sound advice which I still remember, I was able to achieve bigger and nicer stunts.
Progress thus far in my 1 year cheerleading experience:
4th September I joined WCT for training
Within the first three months I got my toss x, liberty, and first cupie (18 November- OCHI YOUR DIY RMB)
On my 5-6th month I got my toss liberty, low highs, tick tocks, full arounds and left cupie and I did a few pop overs(still need to train)!!
On my 10th month I got my Full ups, toss cupie and I hit a few rewinds(Kentucky period)
And now I took the last two months to consolidate my trainings and hone up my tick tock low full around ( high low high full around) and pop overs.
By stating all this I am not being arrogant but I am trying to tell you guys that if you believe you can do it you can. People often say that I am talented but I beg to differ, its just that I train much more in the background in which you people cannot see and attend more DIYs.
Let me share a few tips with you guys:
1.Try not to place someone as your aim for you will lose focus in your training, instead find the reason that drives you beyond that person for example, to be the very best, to be a national champion etc. This intrinsic motivation will drive you through your hardest times. Let me quote you an example, with Gary recent success in weight loss, we can see that Gary clearly had a goal and that was to go Kentucky and tumble, we don’t see him aiming to be as skinny as the person he see on the road.
2. Believe in yourself. I cannot emphasize more on this point. If you think you can, you can! When you do a stunt don’t say you will try to hit it but rather tell yourself you can and you will hit it. Have that champion mentality and half the battle is done! What’s left is mileage in clocking the stunt and improve your body strength and core.
3. Positivity. When stunts go wrong or fail. Try again! You are not born a Jeremy Lumpkin or a Mitch Budlong. Accept that there are days where you are off form and move on. Don’t dwell in sadness and be a sad story on why you cant hit that or that. Somedays your body isn’t condition to stunt!
4. Be receptive to feedback. This is important, constantly asking for feedback for we have many things to learn from both bases and flyers. Even till date, I constantly ask my flyer randomly through sms or personal phone calls on how it feels to be on my stunt. This little details on whether you are tossing straight or if you are providing enough platform is crucial to your learning! Don’t insist on your method but be receptive to try other people’s method. There is no best method I feel in stunting only the most efficient( Quote Gary). So listen up to what other people have to say REGARDLESS OF whether he/she may be a junior or senior.
5. Go back to basics. When stunt fails consistently, don’t keep doing! Go back to basic! For example when I fail my toss cupie or full ups, go back to toss blocks and full arounds. Get your basics right!
6. Experiment more! For long stunters you might know, sometimes we might hit the plateau of stunting. To have this break through, you must constantly think of improving and trying out new stunts. Watch more videos or try out stunts that you think you cant do! Try is free! You must be willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to have this break through!
7. RELAX LAH BRO. Just chill and don’t be stress! Nurse your body and make sure it is in tip top condition! This is done through gym, eating healthy and taking the right supplements! If you have any queries on supplements you can check out our previous post in this website! If you wanna know how to relax just call me haha.
I adhere to this 7 points of mine and I hope it can help me young fledglings Clement and Dexter and other stunters to achieve greater success in the stunts they do. Pace yourself for everyone has their own learning curve and speed. Don’t fall into the trap of hastening your own progress at the expense of your basics. The path ahead might be glorious but don’t be fooled by it, get your basics right and you would progress even further☺

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