Being inspired by the huge amount of prize on BPoM August. I decided to post a blog entry too and try my luck.
I do not want to bore our readers with my past 6 years cheerleading experience with 4 years being competitive cheerleaders. But rather, I would like to share with everyone what I’ve learnt after I’ve decided to retired from competitive cheerleading.
21st July 2011 officially marked the 4th months of me retiring from my competitive cheerleading career. It’s only been four months yet it felt like it’s been a year. The things I’ve learnt after going into ‘hibernation’ mode is really extremely and tremendously powerful to the extent whereby I even felt myself is changing. Not only that I’ve become a more positive person but also I’ve become a true believer of ‘BELIEF’. For those who’ve noticed it, My Facebook username has changed back to ‘Ken Lim’ and no longer ‘KenLim NeedsToSartBelieving’. And now I found more time to help people in terms of imparting skills, I have become more sociable, I have become better verse financially, and gain a little bit of financial ability to be able ‘give’ in monetary terms back to cheerleading industry. Well, it may not be a lot, but still, it’s a little I could give to contribute back to the industry that taught me a lot. Because I’m always a person who talked a lot and loved to share my first-hand knowledge and experiences I’ve had. So I would like to take this chance to share what made me changed and what I felt that is important IMO to becoming a good cheerleader and a good cheerleader that WINS Championship.
We all know that in order to be a good champion team player we need to have a set of traits. You can name them all but basically, it sums up to a few important points. I beg you to go through each and every point thoroughly. Then at the same time, think of an example of yourself. NOT others.
I would like to remind all of you once again the LAW OF ATTRACTION. I remembered the first thing Chaang told me on MSN when I first joined Wildcards was ‘REMOVE that negative MSN nick’. He told me there’s something called the Law of Attraction. Back then, I was like, ‘Ok, what’s that?’ I never really understood what it meant and how powerful it is. Until recently, my life really changed tremendously because I started to be positive. Even I’m surprised that how positive I can be each day. Everyday morning I woke up, after bathing, when I walk into my room. I shout ‘I LOVE MYSELF’ at least ten times with extreme happiness. People might say ‘Haha, so stupid.’ Then I would tell you, if doing stupid things can make me successful, then I would do it. Because I’ve tried to do smart things yet I’m not exactly successful yet. ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve’ - Napoleon Hill
Since you are going to get something from thinking, might as well think of something with a positive outcome right? You got to learn to speak affirmative words to yourself every day. Even if it’s a bad day, you still have to learn to speak positive and affirmative words to yourself.

In soccer, if there is not a goal post how would you know when you score? You’ve got to set goals! And not setting any ordinary goals but SMART goals! You’ve got to learn to VISUALISE yourself achieving your dream whole day whole night, every hour and even every minute. After that you need to write it out or paste a photo of the goal in a place where it’s visible to remind yourself that you can do it and you must do it. On top of that, I’ve shared in another blog entry in XWonder’s blog (here); it is the power of the sub-conscious mind that creates the right emotions and actions to aid you in achieving that goal of yours.

You got to realize the power of FOCUS. Laser beams and water jets are both used for cutting purposes in the industrial industry. And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that both laser beams and water jets are FOCUSED lights and water. Light and water are barely harmful to us in normal daily life. But when they are being FOCUSED with the help of machine, they can be used for cutting metals. I can’t stress enough the power of focus. You need to ZOOM in to your visions and dreams and FOCUS on them. Without this, you can barely be successful.

4.) PLAN & DO IT
‘If you failed to plan, you are planning to fail’ Cliché yes, but how many actually go and draw a very detailed plan of their action plan and carry it out?
And even if you carried it out, how long did it last? This is basically the ROADMAP to achieving your vision and dreams. You must work hard and work smart. If working hard alone can make you successful, then there would be a lot of successful construction worker, because they work hard whole day and night.

Learning is a lifelong process, maybe I’m not ‘old’ enough to speak about learning being a life-long journey. But I’m still going to speak about it anyway. In order to be an excellent team player, you must commit yourself to personal development. The team is only as strong as the weakest link. Learning is probably is easy for a new cheerleader, because they ought to learn to be a cheerleader. To my surprise is that, there are many established cheerleaders are not constantly renewing their skills or learning new skills. They probably got complacent and thought that this is enough for them at this level. Unless you are OK with your current comfort zone then it’s time for you to do something to move out of your comfort zone. You must learn from the best and always carry a learning spirit. Be like a sponge, absorb as much as you can. If you think that you are a coach and there isn’t much you can learn already. Then let me tell you that you can actually learn from your students. In fact, you can learn more from them than they could from you. If you do not commit to learning and continuous improvements, it is very difficult for you to go very far.

After addressing the required traits of being a good cheerleader, there is also another very important issue that is going on in Singapore cheerleading scene which I felt that is hindering the progress of the sport in Singapore. There are simply too much hatred and little cooperation. Everyone is trying to PROVE to everyone that their method/ techniques/ teaching style is the BEST and basically, the ONE BEST WAY. I do not blame anyone but rather I despise the education we’ve been through. We were basically taught since young to be the BEST and prove to others we are indeed the BEST. Failures are not acceptable. Remember 46 years ago when Singapore gained independence, PM Lee back then has to make a decision, either make it or break it. He has to build Singapore up to prove to the rest of the world that Singapore indeed can survive and prosperous. Yes, Singapore did it. Do you see the similarity now?Many of the Hong Kong drama like to portray this image of rich family. Rich family’s offspring often inherit their parents’ business and many a times, the children are likely to fight over who deserve the right to inherit the business. Can a family take their family business to a greater height if they are having family dispute? Even if they could make it to a greater height, how long do you think they will last? But I believed that they are struggling to survive when there is so much chaos going on and everybody is not doing their job. And ultimately, the winners are their competitors who are laughing at them and waiting to buy over the company when they failed.
If you can’t even solve your domestic issue, what makes you think that you can conquer the world out there?
If you cheerleaders, sincerely want the best for our future cheerleaders, please put aside your personal hatred and grudge against each other and come together and plan how to bring this Singapore cheerleading industry to a greater height.
Why do we have to criticize people for trying to do good things? Cheer Idol want to give VoM, I see criticism. Chaang wants to give BPoM, I also see criticism. I’m not exactly like defending them because one of them is my mentor and another my coach. But seriously, if people are doing good deeds to the community, why do we need to criticize them? Since when our parents taught us to be cynical and critical towards people who are doing good deeds. Instead, I think that we should join in and contribute back to the society don’t we? Actually, cheerleading coaches are earning about $60-$80/hour. Maybe we can start by contributing half of our one hour pay per month to doing good deeds. That is about $30-$40. It does not necessarily be giving to VoM and BPoM. You may set aside the money, and then when the next coaching course is available, you can send your TOP student to the course for free. Or maybe you can get a pair of cheer shoes for those who needed it but facing financial challenges.
When Damien brought Taiwan Monsters down to hold Taiwan Workshop for a few years, people commented that Damien is blood sucker, try to monopolize the market and earn all the money. Wildcards try to bring down University of Kentucky to help the cheerleaders; people deemed that they are trying to make a profit out of the cheerleading scene. For your information, Kentucky Workshop 2009 just made even with very little 'profit'. Kentucky Workshop 2011 might not even be able to break even. And there are many individual ‘sponsor’ who came out with their own savings to pay for the bills. These are the people who just want to help the cheerleading scene and I tell you, these are the people who are going to learn the most, and take the most from the UK cheerleaders. If you want to continue to be cynical and critical, I can’t stop you from continue doing what you think is right. Only time will tell. Wish you best of LUCK.
Many of us, especially our pioneers, I believe who fought hard to leave a legacy behind would understand the strong desire and the dreams and vision of seeing cheerleading being put together at the Olympics game at the world stage.
If we Singapore cheerleaders can’t even collaborate among ourselves, what makes you think that we are capable to compete with the big names out there?
I’m not a person with very good reputation or well respected. But I’m just trying to help as much as I could even after I retired.
I strongly urge all the big players in the industry, really, sit down together and plan for our future. ‘With great power, comes great responsibility’ You are not only deciding for your future, but also the future of cheerleaders of the next few generation, I would like you all to re-understand the power you are holding in your hands right now and the repercussion of your decision.
‘Leave behind your pride and come together to fight this fight.’
- Ken Lim
And at the end of this we could all celebrate our success together as a country.
Thank you for your time for reading. Appreciate it. This would be my last blog entry for BPoM. It’s really my heart and soul.
Disclaimer: There is not any part of this blog entry meant to target any individual or teams. If any person felt offended, I would like to apologize first. But trust me, you shouldn’t be feeling that.
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